all postcodes in KA13 / KILWINNING

find any address or company within the KA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA13 6PN 9 0 55.685574 -4.718274
KA13 6PQ 7 0 55.680925 -4.725651
KA13 6PR 2 0 55.642547 -4.692368
KA13 6PS 2 1 55.643425 -4.692905
KA13 6PT 5 4 55.644039 -4.692359
KA13 6PU 12 6 55.656551 -4.711682
KA13 6PW 28 0 55.657462 -4.711538
KA13 6PZ 21 0 55.651388 -4.721992
KA13 6QA 9 0 55.651979 -4.720888
KA13 6QB 15 0 55.652012 -4.722226
KA13 6QD 8 0 55.650385 -4.727088
KA13 6QE 7 0 55.652954 -4.720288
KA13 6QF 32 0 55.652439 -4.719982
KA13 6QG 18 0 55.6526 -4.722441
KA13 6QH 39 0 55.653268 -4.721916
KA13 6QJ 14 0 55.653087 -4.722396
KA13 6QL 31 0 55.651025 -4.723747
KA13 6QN 15 0 55.651883 -4.724395
KA13 6QP 17 0 55.652266 -4.724549
KA13 6QQ 4 0 55.652452 -4.720603