all postcodes in KA15 / BEITH

find any address or company within the KA15 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA15 1EN 27 0 55.748302 -4.628086
KA15 1EP 11 0 55.749277 -4.627036
KA15 1EQ 8 1 55.750541 -4.631167
KA15 1ER 8 0 55.742924 -4.640119
KA15 1ES 12 0 55.737692 -4.627819
KA15 1ET 21 0 55.747459 -4.630914
KA15 1EU 33 0 55.747898 -4.630561
KA15 1EW 4 0 55.749195 -4.626664
KA15 1EX 4 0 55.748305 -4.635911
KA15 1EY 10 0 55.747265 -4.636622
KA15 1EZ 19 0 55.746359 -4.631509
KA15 1HA 8 0 55.746335 -4.62883
KA15 1HB 1 0 55.740229 -4.628531
KA15 1HD 1 1 55.747892 -4.622863
KA15 1HE 2 0 55.749316 -4.622033
KA15 1HF 3 0 55.745715 -4.609443
KA15 1HG 6 1 55.740173 -4.612228
KA15 1HH 5 0 55.73153 -4.581433
KA15 1HJ 17 0 55.723278 -4.589359
KA15 1HN 26 2 55.72855 -4.600413