all postcodes in KA15 / BEITH

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Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA15 1JR 3 2 55.737072 -4.637033
KA15 1JT 1 1 55.736749 -4.627164
KA15 1JU 1 0 55.739541 -4.625011
KA15 1JW 2 1 55.739851 -4.643432
KA15 1JX 2 0 55.737542 -4.621163
KA15 1JY 1 0 55.736412 -4.609428
KA15 1JZ 5 0 55.721167 -4.616659
KA15 1LB 7 0 55.716041 -4.608753
KA15 1LD 5 0 55.708418 -4.602434
KA15 1LE 7 2 55.709374 -4.583983
KA15 1LF 47 3 55.718338 -4.575737
KA15 1LG 7 0 55.719729 -4.575399
KA15 1LH 5 0 55.727471 -4.561064
KA15 1LJ 2 1 55.721214 -4.574683
KA15 1LL 1 1 55.740558 -4.545081
KA15 1LN 4 2 55.744297 -4.651095
KA15 1LQ 1 0 55.719009 -4.571609
KA15 1LS 52 0 55.745662 -4.643844
KA15 1LT 30 0 55.74618 -4.641935
KA15 1LU 1 0 55.744913 -4.629324