all postcodes in KA3 / KILMARNOCK

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Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA3 1DZ 72 0 55.617319 -4.493473
KA3 1EA 26 6 55.616115 -4.494746
KA3 1ES 4 0 55.61696 -4.494768
KA3 1EB 30 0 55.616961 -4.495134
KA3 1ED 25 0 55.614498 -4.496057
KA3 1EE 22 0 55.616674 -4.496005
KA3 1EH 24 0 55.616948 -4.497547
KA3 1EJ 7 0 55.617227 -4.496659
KA3 1EL 37 0 55.618576 -4.493537
KA3 1EN 38 0 55.617202 -4.494303
KA3 1EP 53 0 55.615853 -4.496159
KA3 1EQ 10 0 55.616832 -4.497079
KA3 1EW 9 0 55.618776 -4.492533
KA3 1FN 29 0 55.613876 -4.495668
KA3 1HA 5 1 55.614733 -4.498613
KA3 1HB 1 1 55.613532 -4.497087
KA3 1HF 1 1 55.613932 -4.497768
KA3 1HG 16 0 55.614306 -4.497951
KA3 1HL 6 4 55.61635 -4.501666
KA3 1HN 22 0 55.6179 -4.49937