all postcodes in KA3 / KILMARNOCK

find any address or company within the KA3 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA3 1QQ 30 0 55.621583 -4.504751
KA3 1QR 31 0 55.622298 -4.504527
KA3 1QW 10 0 55.623429 -4.504567
KA3 1RB 17 0 55.625272 -4.505018
KA3 1RD 22 0 55.626657 -4.506711
KA3 1RJ 14 1 55.61995 -4.492703
KA3 1RL 8 3 55.621338 -4.492044
KA3 1RN 44 0 55.622253 -4.491261
KA3 1RP 20 0 55.621733 -4.489877
KA3 1RR 3 0 55.621427 -4.488556
KA3 1RS 13 0 55.621011 -4.490383
KA3 1RT 14 0 55.620785 -4.489643
KA3 1RU 11 0 55.620304 -4.488119
KA3 1RW 14 0 55.621244 -4.489624
KA3 1RX 5 0 55.621764 -4.488339
KA3 1RY 24 0 55.622658 -4.487696
KA3 1SD 4 0 55.624443 -4.493111
KA3 1SE 22 0 55.622171 -4.489556
KA3 1SF 10 0 55.623246 -4.491085
KA3 1SG 20 0 55.623562 -4.493186