all postcodes in KA9 / PRESTWICK

find any address or company within the KA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA9 1JN 10 7 55.500185 -4.61059
KA9 1JQ 30 0 55.503795 -4.60185
KA9 1JR 13 0 55.499424 -4.609574
KA9 1JS 17 12 55.499374 -4.610647
KA9 1JW 27 0 55.499827 -4.609221
KA9 1JY 27 1 55.498701 -4.609764
KA9 1JZ 31 1 55.498379 -4.610107
KA9 1LA 17 12 55.498515 -4.610935
KA9 1LB 15 7 55.497865 -4.61145
KA9 1LG 21 0 55.497616 -4.610927
KA9 1LH 23 8 55.496627 -4.612603
KA9 1LJ 23 2 55.497003 -4.611425
KA9 1LL 6 0 55.496417 -4.611908
KA9 1LN 14 0 55.496203 -4.610992
KA9 1LP 2 0 55.497727 -4.609109
KA9 1LR 34 0 55.497296 -4.606963
KA9 1LS 8 0 55.498142 -4.607763
KA9 1LT 10 0 55.497924 -4.606561
KA9 1LU 33 0 55.497107 -4.60779
KA9 1LX 46 0 55.496008 -4.607084