all postcodes in KA9 / PRESTWICK

find any address or company within the KA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

KA / Kilmarnock

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KA9 1LY 6 0 55.495675 -4.607093
KA9 1LZ 11 0 55.495274 -4.605658
KA9 1NA 28 0 55.495353 -4.607864
KA9 1NB 23 0 55.49619 -4.610326
KA9 1NJ 22 0 55.494213 -4.607804
KA9 1NL 4 0 55.494334 -4.6089
KA9 1NN 21 0 55.494009 -4.609342
KA9 1NW 15 1 55.495309 -4.61117
KA9 1NX 30 18 55.499795 -4.61115
KA9 1NY 8 0 55.5052 -4.611461
KA9 1PA 33 12 55.498404 -4.611486
KA9 1PB 29 14 55.497076 -4.612617
KA9 1PG 17 10 55.495928 -4.61336
KA9 1PJ 31 0 55.499954 -4.612966
KA9 1PL 55 0 55.497004 -4.613483
KA9 1PN 9 0 55.498973 -4.61431
KA9 1PP 19 0 55.496851 -4.61474
KA9 1PQ 46 3 55.49921 -4.61203
KA9 1PS 9 0 55.497379 -4.614838
KA9 1PT 25 0 55.496212 -4.614761