all postcodes in KT15 / ADDLESTONE

find any address or company within the KT15 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT15 2SN 13 10 51.369822 -0.474588
KT15 2SP 52 0 51.370888 -0.477718
KT15 2SR 38 0 51.370111 -0.478807
KT15 2SS 4 0 51.370525 -0.478822
KT15 2ST 6 0 51.369837 -0.477739
KT15 2SU 4 0 51.368925 -0.477467
KT15 2SW 44 0 51.371331 -0.478565
KT15 2SY 2 2 51.370917 -0.475873
KT15 2SZ 1 0 51.370919 -0.475893
KT15 2TB 2 0 51.375457 -0.501571
KT15 2TD 1 0 51.376384 -0.503686
KT15 2TE 7 0 51.375712 -0.50105
KT15 2TF 25 0 51.375482 -0.499219
KT15 2TG 12 0 51.375163 -0.500292
KT15 2TH 14 0 51.375065 -0.498255
KT15 2TJ 13 0 51.374734 -0.49841
KT15 2TL 44 0 51.375701 -0.497329
KT15 2TN 18 0 51.376471 -0.496427
KT15 2TP 8 0 51.376287 -0.495356
KT15 2TQ 71 0 51.374532 -0.499436