all postcodes in KT15 / ADDLESTONE

find any address or company within the KT15 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT15 2PL 65 1 51.373183 -0.481387
KT15 2PN 5 0 51.373737 -0.483112
KT15 2PQ 30 2 51.372595 -0.482484
KT15 2PS 5 4 51.373789 -0.482248
KT15 2PT 24 0 51.37361 -0.480918
KT15 2PU 8 4 51.374335 -0.481368
KT15 2PX 41 0 51.374007 -0.480359
KT15 2PY 8 0 51.374634 -0.480884
KT15 2QA 10 0 51.375844 -0.481275
KT15 2QB 1 0 51.37796 -0.482896
KT15 2QD 8 0 51.37402 -0.479956
KT15 2QE 12 0 51.379041 -0.485106
KT15 2QF 2 1 51.381601 -0.487666
KT15 2QG 19 1 51.377527 -0.484108
KT15 2QH 5 4 51.382324 -0.489352
KT15 2QJ 7 0 51.381344 -0.492862
KT15 2QL 22 0 51.381041 -0.490932
KT15 2QN 18 0 51.378753 -0.478808
KT15 2QQ 5 0 51.378618 -0.485724
KT15 2QR 6 0 51.377418 -0.482674