all postcodes in KT1 / THAMES DITTON

find any address or company within the KT1 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT1 3JY 23 3 51.40979 -0.290606
KT1 3JZ 27 0 51.409401 -0.288593
KT1 3LE 19 2 51.408136 -0.285089
KT1 3LF 5 5 51.407325 -0.283731
KT1 3LG 11 11 51.407215 -0.284224
KT1 3LJ 30 0 51.408493 -0.282444
KT1 3LL 29 0 51.408875 -0.281524
KT1 3LN 26 0 51.408217 -0.282009
KT1 3LP 23 0 51.407492 -0.281619
KT1 3LR 15 0 51.406661 -0.283238
KT1 3LS 9 0 51.406984 -0.283212
KT1 3LT 12 0 51.40681 -0.282953
KT1 3LU 14 6 51.40665 -0.28252
KT1 3LW 25 0 51.407804 -0.282082
KT1 3LX 8 0 51.406494 -0.282275
KT1 3LY 4 0 51.408813 -0.282835
KT1 3LZ 5 0 51.409523 -0.281578
KT1 3NE 16 0 51.410274 -0.29112
KT1 3NF 30 0 51.41057 -0.290404
KT1 3NG 21 0 51.410052 -0.290071