all postcodes in KT1 / THAMES DITTON

find any address or company within the KT1 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT1 3NH 16 0 51.409999 -0.28824
KT1 3NJ 17 0 51.409915 -0.287409
KT1 3NL 32 0 51.409575 -0.286919
KT1 3NN 32 0 51.409575 -0.286919
KT1 3NP 28 0 51.409554 -0.286129
KT1 3NQ 9 0 51.40992 -0.289012
KT1 3NR 28 0 51.409554 -0.286129
KT1 3NS 6 6 51.408498 -0.285248
KT1 3NW 29 0 51.409575 -0.286919
KT1 3NX 9 1 51.407995 -0.284059
KT1 3NY 15 0 51.407034 -0.282269
KT1 3PA 19 0 51.406322 -0.280958
KT1 3PB 37 2 51.40605 -0.281429
KT1 3PD 2 2 51.406244 -0.281787
KT1 3PE 15 0 51.406172 -0.282359
KT1 3PL 40 0 51.411178 -0.282775
KT1 3PN 21 0 51.411005 -0.283305
KT1 3PP 16 0 51.409765 -0.28024
KT1 3PR 22 1 51.408518 -0.280459
KT1 3PS 39 0 51.408673 -0.279403