all postcodes in KT22 / LEATHERHEAD

find any address or company within the KT22 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT22 7LU 4 3 51.310321 -0.335355
KT22 7LX 4 4 51.301863 -0.33766
KT22 7NA 22 21 51.311323 -0.33442
KT22 7NB 1 1 51.306678 -0.338519
KT22 7NE 42 0 51.305059 -0.334101
KT22 7NF 20 1 51.303317 -0.336727
KT22 7NG 20 0 51.305097 -0.332918
KT22 7NH 18 0 51.304021 -0.335009
KT22 7NJ 1 1 51.305812 -0.340783
KT22 7NL 1 1 51.305588 -0.340863
KT22 7NP 35 0 51.302447 -0.33564
KT22 7NQ 26 0 51.304249 -0.333968
KT22 7NR 38 0 51.302888 -0.33439
KT22 7NS 61 0 51.303819 -0.332792
KT22 7NT 31 0 51.305022 -0.331429
KT22 7NX 16 1 51.305952 -0.331668
KT22 7NY 25 0 51.30599 -0.332504
KT22 7NZ 1 1 51.306026 -0.334965
KT22 7PA 36 2 51.306569 -0.333295
KT22 7PB 32 9 51.306807 -0.331771