all postcodes in KT22 / LEATHERHEAD

find any address or company within the KT22 postcode district

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT22 7RR 16 0 51.295877 -0.332062
KT22 7RU 1 1 51.303971 -0.337871
KT22 7RW 34 0 51.307858 -0.334153
KT22 7SA 3 3 51.304949 -0.337721
KT22 7SB 1 1 51.302643 -0.338028
KT22 7SF 6 0 51.302581 -0.329868
KT22 7SG 1 1 51.310478 -0.333756
KT22 7SH 24 0 51.299426 -0.331833
KT22 7SJ 10 0 51.2983 -0.331744
KT22 7SL 23 2 51.299867 -0.330612
KT22 7SN 41 5 51.302287 -0.330788
KT22 7SP 8 3 51.30296 -0.329969
KT22 7SQ 4 4 51.299109 -0.333083
KT22 7SR 12 4 51.302206 -0.330054
KT22 7SS 1 1 51.305624 -0.338351
KT22 7SU 19 15 51.304314 -0.33103
KT22 7SW 1 1 51.29923 -0.333848
KT22 7SY 1 1 51.301243 -0.330619
KT22 7TA 2 1 51.301503 -0.333154
KT22 7TB 4 0 51.297844 -0.334415