all postcodes in KT / Kingston upon Thames

find any address or company within the KT postcode area

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District

KT / Kingston upon Thames

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT2 5LB 20 0 51.421629 -0.288438
KT2 5LD 24 0 51.421575 -0.287865
KT2 5LE 5 0 51.421363 -0.28993
KT2 5LF 32 0 51.4234 -0.289063
KT2 5LG 24 0 51.422717 -0.289045
KT2 5LH 15 0 51.428303 -0.306516
KT2 5LL 2 2 51.426965 -0.292417
KT2 5LN 4 0 51.423089 -0.290498
KT2 5LP 23 0 51.423755 -0.289912
KT2 5LQ 29 0 51.415809 -0.304403
KT2 5LR 58 0 51.424389 -0.289616
KT2 5LS 32 0 51.426033 -0.290734
KT2 5LT 20 0 51.426132 -0.290126
KT2 5LU 30 0 51.426391 -0.29003
KT2 5LW 6 0 51.423539 -0.290582
KT2 5LX 27 0 51.42737 -0.290583
KT2 5LY 41 0 51.425968 -0.291254
KT2 5LZ 30 0 51.425896 -0.291846
KT2 5NA 17 0 51.427769 -0.291452
KT2 5NB 33 0 51.428101 -0.290757