all postcodes in KT / Kingston upon Thames

find any address or company within the KT postcode area

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District

KT / Kingston upon Thames

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT2 5PG 37 0 51.427495 -0.294218
KT2 5PL 1 1 51.425571 -0.302934
KT2 5PP 10 0 51.426359 -0.305149
KT2 5PQ 48 0 51.42817 -0.294221
KT2 5PR 19 2 51.427797 -0.306333
KT2 5PT 12 0 51.427597 -0.306217
KT2 5PU 13 12 51.430645 -0.306817
KT2 5PW 6 0 51.425676 -0.304541
KT2 5PY 28 0 51.430717 -0.306829
KT2 5PZ 26 0 51.429683 -0.304968
KT2 5QA 12 0 51.428535 -0.303299
KT2 5QB 20 0 51.427908 -0.302215
KT2 5QD 16 0 51.427629 -0.302786
KT2 5QE 20 0 51.428571 -0.303902
KT2 5QF 38 0 51.428443 -0.301907
KT2 5QG 32 3 51.426965 -0.299221
KT2 5QH 15 3 51.425944 -0.296404
KT2 5QJ 20 0 51.425391 -0.29423
KT2 5QL 29 0 51.424861 -0.292388
KT2 5QR 20 0 51.430664 -0.30932