all postcodes in KT / Kingston upon Thames

find any address or company within the KT postcode area

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District

KT / Kingston upon Thames

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT2 6JG 12 0 51.416313 -0.291427
KT2 6JH 27 0 51.417606 -0.29194
KT2 6JJ 12 0 51.417691 -0.292187
KT2 6JL 8 0 51.417418 -0.292608
KT2 6JN 12 0 51.417159 -0.292121
KT2 6JP 46 0 51.415152 -0.295094
KT2 6JQ 25 0 51.416919 -0.291678
KT2 6JR 58 0 51.416401 -0.293782
KT2 6JS 30 0 51.416889 -0.292096
KT2 6JT 48 0 51.413743 -0.297131
KT2 6JW 5 0 51.417087 -0.292736
KT2 6JX 31 4 51.412941 -0.299505
KT2 6JY 39 0 51.413214 -0.29787
KT2 6JZ 18 2 51.413018 -0.296762
KT2 6LE 32 1 51.413244 -0.294971
KT2 6LF 28 1 51.413644 -0.292813
KT2 6LG 34 0 51.413937 -0.290696
KT2 6LH 31 0 51.413941 -0.292795
KT2 6LJ 51 0 51.41537 -0.291512
KT2 6LL 12 0 51.416519 -0.292605