all postcodes in KT / Kingston upon Thames

find any address or company within the KT postcode area

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District

KT / Kingston upon Thames

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT2 6LN 24 1 51.415523 -0.292132
KT2 6LP 23 0 51.415143 -0.293239
KT2 6LQ 34 3 51.413579 -0.295138
KT2 6LR 32 0 51.414823 -0.293453
KT2 6LS 46 0 51.414466 -0.293639
KT2 6LT 23 0 51.413827 -0.296107
KT2 6LU 53 0 51.414088 -0.29361
KT2 6LW 34 0 51.415553 -0.29298
KT2 6LX 9 9 51.412991 -0.298575
KT2 6LZ 1 1 51.413337 -0.29949
KT2 6ND 51 6 51.411019 -0.299044
KT2 6NH 34 12 51.410921 -0.294137
KT2 6NJ 10 0 51.412194 -0.295096
KT2 6NQ 15 0 51.411371 -0.298485
KT2 6NU 11 2 51.412528 -0.289619
KT2 6PA 14 0 51.412958 -0.288898
KT2 6PF 1 1 51.413427 -0.288406
KT2 6PG 1 1 51.413388 -0.288192
KT2 6PH 46 1 51.413921 -0.289618
KT2 6PJ 46 0 51.415799 -0.290094