all postcodes in KT / Kingston upon Thames

find any address or company within the KT postcode area

Postcode Area

KT / Kingston upon Thames

Postcode District

KT / Kingston upon Thames

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KT2 6PL 28 3 51.417041 -0.290825
KT2 6PN 26 0 51.417142 -0.290332
KT2 6PP 15 0 51.414376 -0.289932
KT2 6PQ 2 2 51.41361 -0.287982
KT2 6PR 1 0 51.413469 -0.289397
KT2 6PT 15 12 51.413026 -0.289298
KT2 6PW 13 1 51.413843 -0.288549
KT2 6PX 22 0 51.410405 -0.295134
KT2 6PY 1 1 51.410064 -0.296441
KT2 6PZ 10 1 51.413476 -0.288649
KT2 6QA 8 5 51.410659 -0.297799
KT2 6QF 49 16 51.41065 -0.299022
KT2 6QG 1 1 51.410648 -0.300093
KT2 6QJ 47 8 51.410604 -0.292768
KT2 6QL 10 5 51.411096 -0.290737
KT2 6QP 2 1 51.413397 -0.287588
KT2 6QR 23 0 51.413185 -0.287244
KT2 6QW 58 0 51.412536 -0.288986
KT2 6RA 28 0 51.411382 -0.291208
KT2 6RB 28 0 51.41189 -0.290887