all postcodes in KW1 / WICK

find any address or company within the KW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW1 4AA 1 1 58.442284 -3.090782
KW1 4AB 1 1 58.442425 -3.091078
KW1 4AG 1 1 58.441834 -3.092944
KW1 4AH 12 4 58.442231 -3.092123
KW1 4AJ 14 12 58.44222 -3.09238
KW1 4AP 7 2 58.441538 -3.092866
KW1 4AR 2 2 58.442577 -3.08941
KW1 4BP 7 4 58.442861 -3.092599
KW1 4BS 14 9 58.443388 -3.092975
KW1 4BY 16 0 58.444167 -3.093188
KW1 4DA 27 1 58.445088 -3.09373
KW1 4DB 1 0 58.444131 -3.094232
KW1 4DD 13 1 58.444887 -3.09518
KW1 4DE 8 0 58.444694 -3.09675
KW1 4DF 25 0 58.446067 -3.098918
KW1 4DG 7 2 58.446312 -3.095516
KW1 4DJ 15 0 58.446537 -3.094375
KW1 4DL 36 0 58.447886 -3.095291
KW1 4DN 3 0 58.449046 -3.095087
KW1 4DP 9 0 58.44865 -3.093053