all postcodes in KW10 / GOLSPIE

find any address or company within the KW10 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW10 6SE 43 1 57.992404 -3.97863
KW10 6SF 27 4 57.985321 -3.94803
KW10 6SG 4 0 57.977855 -3.972708
KW10 6SH 6 0 57.98797 -3.950491
KW10 6SJ 11 0 57.977827 -3.972043
KW10 6SL 11 0 57.978189 -3.973618
KW10 6SN 14 2 57.972198 -3.982132
KW10 6SP 1 0 57.972991 -3.983715
KW10 6SQ 3 0 57.987896 -3.953515
KW10 6SR 14 3 57.97227 -3.985619
KW10 6SS 1 1 57.972983 -3.987671
KW10 6ST 25 2 57.969645 -3.987558
KW10 6SU 8 0 57.973417 -3.983485
KW10 6SW 9 0 57.971337 -3.983201
KW10 6SX 28 0 57.973255 -3.988717
KW10 6SY 4 0 57.971934 -3.990403
KW10 6SZ 5 0 57.971507 -3.991884
KW10 6TA 33 1 57.966845 -4.00627
KW10 6TD 13 0 57.93535 -4.018497
KW10 6TE 1 0 57.972918 -3.976862