all postcodes in KW16 / STROMNESS

find any address or company within the KW16 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW16 3DJ 21 0 58.957279 -3.301339
KW16 3DL 19 0 58.955705 -3.300723
KW16 3DN 8 0 58.954433 -3.30038
KW16 3DS 18 0 58.956435 -3.303185
KW16 3DP 39 0 58.954871 -3.30144
KW16 3DQ 10 0 58.958128 -3.301806
KW16 3DR 24 0 58.955859 -3.303267
KW16 3DT 25 0 58.957686 -3.303736
KW16 3DU 9 0 58.960276 -3.304338
KW16 3DW 4 2 58.953106 -3.299252
KW16 3DX 3 0 58.961804 -3.305144
KW16 3DY 3 0 58.960411 -3.30257
KW16 3DZ 20 0 58.961012 -3.301758
KW16 3EA 4 0 58.961185 -3.301486
KW16 3EB 11 0 58.959795 -3.300321
KW16 3ED 17 0 58.958682 -3.301183
KW16 3EH 5 0 58.961524 -3.303447
KW16 3EP 14 0 58.965516 -3.299511
KW16 3EU 1 0 58.977066 -3.288683
KW16 3EX 9 0 58.980904 -3.283945