all postcodes in KY1 / KIRKCALDY

find any address or company within the KY1 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY1 3DP 0 56.126516 -3.135903
KY1 3DQ 0 56.126717 -3.133592
KY1 3DR 0 56.12586 -3.137862
KY1 3DS 0 56.126009 -3.129534
KY1 3DT 1 56.125173 -3.138373
KY1 3DU 0 56.125063 -3.139916
KY1 3DW 0 56.125833 -3.136012
KY1 3DX 0 56.126916 -3.13643
KY1 3DY 0 56.126245 -3.137037
KY1 3DZ 1 56.126561 -3.137851
KY1 3EA 0 56.127272 -3.137824
KY1 3EB 0 56.127648 -3.135952
KY1 3ED 0 56.127851 -3.136345
KY1 3EE 0 56.127563 -3.137446
KY1 3EL 3 56.130204 -3.13746
KY1 3EN 0 56.131803 -3.138472
KY1 3EP 1 56.133534 -3.137896
KY1 3ER 1 56.130872 -3.137077
KY1 3ES 1 56.131267 -3.137201
KY1 3ET 1 56.132274 -3.136169