all postcodes in KY1 / KIRKCALDY

find any address or company within the KY1 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY1 3EU 1 56.133717 -3.13655
KY1 3EW 1 56.13314 -3.138689
KY1 3EX 0 56.134159 -3.134342
KY1 3EY 0 56.133922 -3.135671
KY1 3EZ 2 56.134199 -3.138159
KY1 3HA 1 56.111855 -3.172216
KY1 3HB 0 56.131543 -3.136437
KY1 3HD 0 56.132173 -3.137293
KY1 3HE 1 56.132863 -3.137538
KY1 3HF 0 56.133224 -3.135441
KY1 3HG 0 56.13346 -3.134209
KY1 3HH 0 56.133457 -3.132795
KY1 3HN 1 56.133893 -3.131052
KY1 3HQ 1 56.133696 -3.133253
KY1 3HS 2 56.132788 -3.134288
KY1 3HT 4 56.134026 -3.132247
KY1 3HU 1 56.13497 -3.13213
KY1 3HW 2 56.130411 -3.136484
KY1 3HX 1 56.138302 -3.133322
KY1 3HZ 0 56.129257 -3.138831