all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 2JX 23 0 56.044207 -3.423116
KY11 2JY 48 0 56.04453 -3.423946
KY11 2JZ 27 0 56.043493 -3.421147
KY11 2LA 33 0 56.042088 -3.419057
KY11 2LB 26 0 56.041421 -3.417668
KY11 2LD 32 0 56.041267 -3.416282
KY11 2LE 12 0 56.04255 -3.416377
KY11 2LF 18 0 56.042021 -3.415523
KY11 2LG 54 0 56.040891 -3.414582
KY11 2LH 48 0 56.041089 -3.408265
KY11 2LJ 31 0 56.042083 -3.408542
KY11 2LL 29 0 56.043089 -3.422705
KY11 2LP 31 0 56.037965 -3.417397
KY11 2LR 39 0 56.038395 -3.417509
KY11 2LS 23 1 56.037039 -3.415854
KY11 2LT 47 1 56.037815 -3.413234
KY11 2LU 8 0 56.037299 -3.415157
KY11 2LX 26 0 56.036965 -3.414535
KY11 2LY 7 0 56.037499 -3.413383
KY11 2LZ 12 0 56.036965 -3.412946