all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 2HQ 30 0 56.030439 -3.425642
KY11 2HR 33 0 56.032711 -3.422612
KY11 2HS 16 0 56.032309 -3.424732
KY11 2HT 8 0 56.035937 -3.427289
KY11 2HU 1 1 56.034939 -3.428103
KY11 2HX 26 0 56.025871 -3.422842
KY11 2JD 23 0 56.043718 -3.420321
KY11 2JE 18 0 56.044272 -3.426088
KY11 2JF 5 1 56.04347 -3.426235
KY11 2JG 10 0 56.042673 -3.426013
KY11 2JH 18 3 56.042234 -3.423573
KY11 2JJ 12 0 56.042354 -3.424894
KY11 2JL 31 2 56.040702 -3.420852
KY11 2JN 38 0 56.04132 -3.418659
KY11 2JQ 1 0 56.043042 -3.424453
KY11 2JR 30 0 56.041725 -3.420986
KY11 2JS 18 0 56.042009 -3.422008
KY11 2JT 10 0 56.04302 -3.421627
KY11 2JU 50 0 56.043763 -3.423453
KY11 2JW 42 4 56.039562 -3.419927