all postcodes in KY5 / LOCHGELLY

find any address or company within the KY5 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY5 9DS 4 0 56.131561 -3.306648
KY5 9DT 15 0 56.131425 -3.305631
KY5 9DU 36 1 56.132588 -3.306153
KY5 9DW 1 0 56.131166 -3.308324
KY5 9DX 10 0 56.132149 -3.306814
KY5 9DY 12 0 56.132471 -3.307854
KY5 9DZ 39 0 56.132813 -3.309475
KY5 9EA 32 0 56.133436 -3.30919
KY5 9EB 6 0 56.133726 -3.307302
KY5 9ED 14 0 56.134682 -3.307801
KY5 9EE 16 0 56.133078 -3.311624
KY5 9EF 50 0 56.134203 -3.310616
KY5 9EG 31 1 56.134427 -3.311493
KY5 9EH 2 0 56.132566 -3.315178
KY5 9EJ 12 0 56.133825 -3.313194
KY5 9EL 16 0 56.134757 -3.313467
KY5 9EN 16 0 56.134851 -3.312215
KY5 9EP 12 0 56.13295 -3.305908
KY5 9EQ 30 0 56.132749 -3.315491
KY5 9ER 2 2 56.131706 -3.303693