all postcodes in KY5 / LOCHGELLY

find any address or company within the KY5 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY5 9ES 38 0 56.129852 -3.303984
KY5 9ET 52 0 56.131692 -3.314344
KY5 9EU 8 0 56.12979 -3.308133
KY5 9EW 21 0 56.132205 -3.304997
KY5 9EX 4 0 56.131446 -3.312115
KY5 9HA 2 0 56.116386 -3.320898
KY5 9HB 1 0 56.118953 -3.305691
KY5 9HD 3 0 56.124349 -3.301804
KY5 9HE 2 1 56.134951 -3.295274
KY5 9HF 5 4 56.13271 -3.302263
KY5 9HG 1 1 56.126392 -3.287828
KY5 9HP 5 0 56.133336 -3.290538
KY5 9HQ 6 3 56.126673 -3.296364
KY5 9HX 35 1 56.128322 -3.307633
KY5 9HY 55 0 56.128257 -3.306939
KY5 9HZ 24 0 56.128886 -3.306156
KY5 9JA 8 0 56.128554 -3.305212
KY5 9JB 4 0 56.128327 -3.305493
KY5 9JD 23 0 56.12919 -3.305378
KY5 9JE 10 0 56.128154 -3.30486