all postcodes in KY5 / LOCHGELLY

find any address or company within the KY5 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY5 9JH 11 0 56.127698 -3.305456
KY5 9JJ 9 0 56.127554 -3.307157
KY5 9JP 35 1 56.12618 -3.307318
KY5 9JR 27 3 56.126528 -3.308216
KY5 9JS 17 0 56.125871 -3.309094
KY5 9JT 10 0 56.125146 -3.308828
KY5 9JU 32 1 56.125603 -3.308973
KY5 9JW 14 0 56.127739 -3.307501
KY5 9JY 36 0 56.124886 -3.307967
KY5 9JZ 32 0 56.123563 -3.309852
KY5 9LA 16 0 56.123049 -3.310913
KY5 9LB 38 1 56.122282 -3.309503
KY5 9LD 64 0 56.122081 -3.308982
KY5 9LE 30 1 56.123592 -3.309032
KY5 9LG 7 0 56.123797 -3.308123
KY5 9LH 25 0 56.124377 -3.30766
KY5 9LJ 38 0 56.123103 -3.306619
KY5 9LL 11 0 56.124692 -3.301863
KY5 9LN 42 0 56.124651 -3.304693
KY5 9LP 19 0 56.126331 -3.305587