all postcodes in KY6 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY6 3DN 24 0 56.202136 -3.213365
KY6 3DP 12 0 56.203423 -3.214937
KY6 3DQ 52 6 56.203228 -3.207419
KY6 3DR 16 2 56.203921 -3.214566
KY6 3DT 19 0 56.204223 -3.215817
KY6 3DU 8 0 56.204298 -3.214594
KY6 3DW 5 0 56.203351 -3.214048
KY6 3DX 64 0 56.204249 -3.218671
KY6 3DY 50 0 56.203812 -3.218415
KY6 3DZ 2 0 56.204783 -3.217592
KY6 3EA 2 0 56.204543 -3.20356
KY6 3ED 12 0 56.205184 -3.201161
KY6 3EE 15 0 56.214324 -3.200931
KY6 3EF 32 0 56.214703 -3.201895
KY6 3EG 22 0 56.215738 -3.203378
KY6 3EH 17 0 56.215651 -3.202198
KY6 3EL 23 0 56.213791 -3.198448
KY6 3EN 16 1 56.196981 -3.214894
KY6 3EP 5 2 56.204473 -3.192015
KY6 3EQ 37 0 56.214686 -3.196057