all postcodes in KY6 / GLENROTHES

find any address or company within the KY6 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY6 3ER 1 0 56.205619 -3.183991
KY6 3ES 1 0 56.205278 -3.197086
KY6 3QA 11 1 56.212035 -3.195363
KY6 3ET 5 0 56.209897 -3.201826
KY6 3EX 2 0 56.19566 -3.227875
KY6 3EY 6 0 56.200633 -3.228195
KY6 3EZ 1 1 56.205026 -3.213714
KY6 3HA 3 0 56.206151 -3.207043
KY6 3HB 4 0 56.208932 -3.22214
KY6 3HD 5 1 56.21286 -3.211059
KY6 3HE 2 0 56.225641 -3.199689
KY6 3HF 1 0 56.226854 -3.240679
KY6 3JL 10 0 56.214766 -3.257703
KY6 3HG 1 0 56.234198 -3.21675
KY6 3HH 1 0 56.236278 -3.256762
KY6 3HJ 16 0 56.214907 -3.195483
KY6 3HL 55 0 56.21488 -3.193644
KY6 3HN 6 0 56.216507 -3.19542
KY6 3HP 18 0 56.215237 -3.198509
KY6 3HQ 6 0 56.232623 -3.230703