all postcodes in KY8 / LEVEN

find any address or company within the KY8 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY8 2DJ 6 1 56.186081 -3.040748
KY8 2DL 1 0 56.185877 -3.042596
KY8 2DN 28 0 56.185763 -3.039064
KY8 2DP 5 4 56.186062 -3.034416
KY8 2DQ 8 0 56.186599 -3.040102
KY8 2DR 32 0 56.187523 -3.043382
KY8 2DS 40 0 56.187256 -3.042021
KY8 2DT 36 0 56.187241 -3.043777
KY8 2DU 22 0 56.187591 -3.044963
KY8 2DW 14 1 56.185899 -3.036748
KY8 2DX 31 0 56.187972 -3.045633
KY8 2DY 40 0 56.187982 -3.044409
KY8 2DZ 24 0 56.185487 -3.038702
KY8 2EA 4 0 56.185584 -3.039978
KY8 2EB 8 0 56.185143 -3.040159
KY8 2ED 61 0 56.185072 -3.036758
KY8 2EE 13 6 56.185673 -3.031538
KY8 2EF 8 0 56.186438 -3.036991
KY8 2EG 1 0 56.186054 -3.045034
KY8 2EH 50 0 56.184363 -3.033452