all postcodes in KY8 / LEVEN

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Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY8 2EJ 37 0 56.185211 -3.033024
KY8 2EL 24 0 56.185629 -3.033631
KY8 2EN 3 0 56.186203 -3.044622
KY8 2EQ 14 1 56.186828 -3.033115
KY8 2ES 14 0 56.186384 -3.041063
KY8 2EU 31 0 56.189216 -3.023673
KY8 2EW 26 0 56.184651 -3.034442
KY8 2EX 28 0 56.189271 -3.024625
KY8 2EY 3 3 56.190427 -3.024994
KY8 2EZ 2 0 56.187831 -3.028344
KY8 2GW 2 1 56.18768 -3.035475
KY8 2HA 20 1 56.188563 -3.029794
KY8 2HB 38 0 56.19017 -3.02987
KY8 2HD 34 0 56.189579 -3.028581
KY8 2HE 40 0 56.188539 -3.03155
KY8 2HF 32 0 56.1872 -3.03261
KY8 2HG 26 0 56.187056 -3.030511
KY8 2HH 40 0 56.187963 -3.030552
KY8 2HJ 58 0 56.188341 -3.026147
KY8 2HL 10 0 56.190222 -3.026922