all postcodes in KY / Kirkcaldy

find any address or company within the KY postcode area

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District

KY / Kirkcaldy

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY8 4DE 4 0 56.201382 -3.00048
KY8 4DF 9 0 56.199163 -2.999375
KY8 4DG 32 0 56.199679 -3.000049
KY8 4DH 48 0 56.200899 -3.001338
KY8 4DJ 36 0 56.201184 -3.001652
KY8 4DL 14 0 56.202482 -2.998945
KY8 4DN 2 0 56.202995 -2.997685
KY8 4DP 9 1 56.202334 -3.00281
KY8 4DQ 28 0 56.200229 -3.000837
KY8 4DR 9 0 56.201831 -3.002749
KY8 4DS 11 0 56.200576 -3.009034
KY8 4DT 28 0 56.200576 -3.004634
KY8 4DU 26 0 56.200346 -3.006417
KY8 4DW 17 0 56.202972 -2.999426
KY8 4DX 12 0 56.19994 -3.003263
KY8 4DY 16 0 56.200452 -3.003244
KY8 4DZ 16 0 56.200182 -3.004495
KY8 4EA 8 0 56.198966 -3.003738
KY8 4EB 16 0 56.19966 -3.004529
KY8 4ED 10 0 56.200198 -3.005752