all postcodes in KY / Kirkcaldy

find any address or company within the KY postcode area

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District

KY / Kirkcaldy

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY8 4EE 44 0 56.199504 -3.006121
KY8 4EF 34 0 56.201155 -3.006309
KY8 4EG 34 0 56.200007 -3.008278
KY8 4EH 24 0 56.198801 -3.005232
KY8 4EJ 19 0 56.198801 -3.003072
KY8 4EL 48 0 56.198376 -3.005511
KY8 4EN 32 0 56.199384 -3.003104
KY8 4EQ 31 1 56.19902 -3.007075
KY8 4ET 1 1 56.196843 -2.998477
KY8 4EU 15 1 56.197257 -2.998407
KY8 4EX 14 1 56.19781 -2.995601
KY8 4EY 13 1 56.198059 -2.994966
KY8 4EZ 7 4 56.195866 -2.995937
KY8 4FB 49 0 56.197269 -3.025451
KY8 4FD 36 0 56.196652 -3.024197
KY8 4FE 27 0 56.197562 -3.029133
KY8 4FF 20 0 56.196864 -3.02884
KY8 4GA 9 0 56.196245 -3.001362
KY8 4GB 3 0 56.195718 -3.00101
KY8 4HA 10 2 56.197116 -2.994958