all postcodes in L1 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L1 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 4JQ 21 9 53.400521 -2.976457
L1 4JR 57 1 53.401092 -2.979177
L1 4JS 48 1 53.400668 -2.977152
L1 4JX 1 0 53.400557 -2.977541
L1 4LF 1 1 53.403931 -2.980537
L1 4LN 11 11 53.402971 -2.98459
L1 4NG 1 1 53.40176 -2.977734
L1 4NL 30 0 53.402014 -2.977529
L1 4NR 2 1 53.403319 -2.980507
L1 4NU 6 0 53.40263 -2.97807
L1 4FB 3 0 53.401837 -2.978232
L1 4DL 65 0 53.401152 -2.977389
L1 4DR 40 0 53.401152 -2.977389
L1 4AE 1 0 53.402232 -2.977143
L1 4AP 1 53.403512 -2.982287
L1 4AT 2 53.403262 -2.977558
L1 4BG 1 53.401411 -2.976493
L1 4AW 55 0 53.402621 -2.983485
L1 4AX 0 53.403447 -2.981413
L1 4BF 0 53.403447 -2.981413