all postcodes in L1 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L1 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 5GB 14 1 53.40214 -2.98403
L1 5HA 8 2 53.397773 -2.980621
L1 5HS 14 0 53.400499 -2.981224
L1 5HY 21 0 53.400833 -2.984511
L1 5HZ 11 0 53.400601 -2.985393
L1 5JD 20 0 53.400411 -2.982276
L1 5JE 11 0 53.400312 -2.983341
L1 5JH 6 0 53.399556 -2.981278
L1 5JJ 5 0 53.399344 -2.98189
L1 5JL 6 0 53.398894 -2.978751
L1 5JN 2 1 53.397147 -2.979027
L1 5JP 10 0 53.397426 -2.979033
L1 5JW 3 3 53.400962 -2.979626
L1 5FB 2 1 53.402044 -2.984719
L1 5FE 0 53.400913 -2.98137
L1 5FS 0 53.401578 -2.983521
L1 5JQ 1 53.401709 -2.980756
L1 5BQ 0 53.401716 -2.985329
L1 5DL 3 53.401782 -2.984984
L1 5AY 4 53.40116 -2.981887