all postcodes in L1 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L1 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 6EG 5 5 53.406747 -2.984558
L1 6RA 1 1 53.408597 -2.982645
L1 6ER 36 5 53.408632 -2.983774
L1 6HB 1 1 53.407581 -2.986999
L1 6JB 2 2 53.408076 -2.985716
L1 6JD 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JG 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JH 1 1 53.408192 -2.983809
L1 6JJ 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JN 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JQ 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JR 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JS 1 1 53.408192 -2.983809
L1 6JT 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JU 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JX 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JY 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6JZ 1 1 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6LD 3 2 53.407962 -2.984299
L1 6BA 0 53.407872 -2.986539