all postcodes in L1 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L1 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 8LT 7 5 53.403093 -2.990399
L1 8ND 0 53.402872 -2.990109
L1 8LW 6 4 53.402377 -2.988969
L1 8LB 1 1 53.402333 -2.987885
L1 8DG 0 53.399365 -2.985876
L1 8LN 0 53.40321 -2.990583
L1 8LP 0 53.40321 -2.990583
L1 8LZ 49 2 53.402523 -2.987799
L1 8JQ 12 8 53.40455 -2.987154
L1 8DA 1 53.398546 -2.986053
L1 8DB 8 0 53.398786 -2.985231
L1 8DE 9 1 53.399011 -2.985221
L1 8DW 87 0 53.398667 -2.985529
L1 8DX 89 0 53.398667 -2.985529
L1 8JS 1 1 53.397754 -2.985102
L1 8AD 90 0 53.398956 -2.986302
L1 8AE 54 0 53.398956 -2.986302
L1 8AF 74 0 53.399292 -2.987077
L1 8AG 56 0 53.399555 -2.986783
L1 8AH 44 0 53.399555 -2.986783