all postcodes in L10 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
L10 1LH10053.469801-2.92773
L10 1LJ18053.47034-2.932382
L10 1LL18053.470413-2.931073
L10 1LN35053.471653-2.927575
L10 1LP52053.46897-2.917754
L10 1LQ38053.469721-2.929913
L10 1LR33053.471336-2.920999
L10 1LS29053.470928-2.921412
L10 1LT31053.471651-2.920628
L10 1LU23053.471549-2.92251
L10 1LW1153.470633-2.925653
L10 1LX20053.470446-2.92217
L10 1NB43053.47436-2.925133
L10 1ND10053.474732-2.924689
L10 1NE12053.475007-2.923941
L10 1NF29053.47533-2.922894
L10 1NG37053.473645-2.92465
L10 1NH63053.472838-2.922041
L10 1NJ12053.470419-2.91988
L10 1WY053.462959-2.946153