all postcodes in L11 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L11 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L11 1DN 0 53.445989 -2.919683
L11 1DP 0 53.448238 -2.914672
L11 1DQ 5 53.442523 -2.92965
L11 1DR 0 53.443773 -2.924919
L11 1DS 0 53.443799 -2.923896
L11 1DU 0 53.442062 -2.925107
L11 1DW 0 53.446839 -2.917774
L11 1EB 1 53.441026 -2.923067
L11 1EE 0 53.44319 -2.920074
L11 1EF 0 53.442739 -2.920245
L11 1EG 0 53.437404 -2.916155
L11 1EH 0 53.441425 -2.908443
L11 1EJ 0 53.43674 -2.916021
L11 1EL 17 53.437942 -2.913773
L11 1EP 1 53.439659 -2.910453
L11 1EQ 2 53.43964 -2.911838
L11 1ER 2 53.440459 -2.908062
L11 1EU 0 53.441581 -2.917449
L11 1EW 6 53.43841 -2.91282
L11 1EX 0 53.439926 -2.915472