all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 0JQ 0 53.449701 -2.887539
L12 0JR 0 53.448595 -2.896084
L12 0JS 0 53.449394 -2.896266
L12 0JT 0 53.450994 -2.884148
L12 0JU 0 53.45107 -2.883577
L12 0JX 0 53.448445 -2.884803
L12 0JY 0 53.448684 -2.88535
L12 0JZ 0 53.449447 -2.884221
L12 0LA 0 53.447942 -2.883588
L12 0LB 0 53.449046 -2.882617
L12 0LD 0 53.448816 -2.88332
L12 0LE 0 53.449233 -2.881567
L12 0LF 0 53.449882 -2.89581
L12 0LG 0 53.451053 -2.896693
L12 0LH 0 53.447757 -2.881897
L12 0LJ 0 53.448852 -2.880896
L12 0LL 0 53.448547 -2.87833
L12 0LN 0 53.450176 -2.882956
L12 0LP 0 53.450882 -2.882293
L12 0LQ 0 53.45201 -2.896171