all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 1JY 0 53.425133 -2.914055
L12 1LA 0 53.429666 -2.905393
L12 1LB 0 53.429926 -2.906663
L12 1LD 0 53.425872 -2.911151
L12 1LE 1 53.424501 -2.910882
L12 1LF 1 53.424811 -2.910286
L12 1LG 1 53.424779 -2.914499
L12 1LH 1 53.422891 -2.910938
L12 1LJ 0 53.426296 -2.913509
L12 1LL 0 53.425461 -2.914604
L12 1LN 0 53.427378 -2.910808
L12 1LP 0 53.427001 -2.911913
L12 1LQ 0 53.422403 -2.906593
L12 1LR 0 53.426901 -2.90845
L12 1LS 0 53.42678 -2.908989
L12 1LT 0 53.429569 -2.907483
L12 1LU 3 53.42828 -2.905635
L12 1LW 0 53.428116 -2.908355
L12 1LX 0 53.427847 -2.905806
L12 1LY 0 53.429291 -2.906032