all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 7JA 2 53.42662 -2.915682
L12 7JB 17 53.431838 -2.910587
L12 7JD 2 53.430519 -2.911432
L12 7JF 1 53.427237 -2.916223
L12 7JG 5 53.431951 -2.912275
L12 7JH 0 53.433091 -2.913639
L12 7JJ 2 53.430286 -2.910132
L12 7JL 0 53.431559 -2.914163
L12 7JN 1 53.431779 -2.913641
L12 7JP 0 53.431973 -2.914067
L12 7JQ 0 53.433606 -2.913334
L12 7JR 0 53.431904 -2.914893
L12 7JS 0 53.430783 -2.914538
L12 7JT 0 53.430629 -2.913466
L12 7JU 0 53.427462 -2.912676
L12 7JW 0 53.431368 -2.912082
L12 7JY 0 53.430915 -2.913773
L12 7JZ 1 53.431132 -2.913507
L12 7LA 0 53.433242 -2.915012
L12 7LB 0 53.433841 -2.915447