all postcodes in L13 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L13 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L13 1WQ 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1WR 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1WS 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1WT 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1WU 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1WW 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1WX 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1ZS 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1WF 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1AP 2 2 53.409529 -2.920791
L13 1WD 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1WB 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1XA 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1EN 1 0 53.405326 -2.929681
L13 1FB 3 2 53.40412 -2.929955
L13 1AD 1 1 53.409782 -2.923083
L13 1XB 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1XD 0 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1UZ 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 1UY 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312