all postcodes in L13 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L13 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L13 2DS 59 0 53.414455 -2.918626
L13 2DU 27 0 53.414423 -2.919287
L13 2DW 30 0 53.414064 -2.916857
L13 2DX 10 0 53.414638 -2.919397
L13 2DY 67 0 53.413332 -2.918557
L13 2DZ 3 3 53.411854 -2.926002
L13 2EB 8 7 53.412512 -2.925806
L13 2EJ 2 2 53.412799 -2.928099
L13 2EL 21 0 53.411329 -2.921883
L13 2ER 1 1 53.411717 -2.927443
L13 2EY 2 2 53.410607 -2.925493
L13 2GA 3 1 53.411597 -2.916187
L13 2HF 10 0 53.411005 -2.917198
L13 2HQ 17 0 53.41138 -2.918439
L13 2EP 1 0 53.412061 -2.925991