all postcodes in L13 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L13 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L13 7HG 7 0 53.42551 -2.92809
L13 7HH 2 1 53.419895 -2.92887
L13 7HJ 1 1 53.419363 -2.931356
L13 7HN 64 1 53.420946 -2.927704
L13 7HQ 6 3 53.425805 -2.927073
L13 7HS 1 1 53.419716 -2.925195
L13 7HU 28 0 53.424069 -2.919104
L13 7HW 62 0 53.421221 -2.928192
L13 7HX 27 0 53.421812 -2.932042
L13 7HZ 13 0 53.425391 -2.921435
L13 7JJ 1 1 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 7WZ 1 0 53.395999 -2.929312
L13 7GB 4 0 53.42169 -2.926863
L13 7HY 0 53.419914 -2.927591
L13 7BF 0 53.420437 -2.923841
L13 7JN 1 1 53.396008 -2.929237