all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 2DZ 37 0 53.421141 -2.879435
L14 2ED 44 0 53.420893 -2.877745
L14 2EE 31 0 53.421154 -2.878939
L14 2EF 27 0 53.420571 -2.878776
L14 2EG 30 0 53.420166 -2.878813
L14 2EH 31 3 53.419471 -2.880334
L14 2EJ 67 0 53.421798 -2.870691
L14 2EL 91 0 53.421306 -2.869161
L14 2EN 17 0 53.42074 -2.870368
L14 2EP 4 3 53.422716 -2.88645
L14 2EQ 21 1 53.419075 -2.884072
L14 2ER 34 0 53.42093 -2.884923
L14 2EW 1 1 53.422231 -2.885251
L14 2EY 25 0 53.421135 -2.886312
L14 2HA 73 0 53.423248 -2.869095
L14 2HB 33 0 53.424076 -2.870181
L14 2ES 0 53.422122 -2.880464