all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 6TA 36 0 53.410948 -2.878097
L14 6TB 16 0 53.41111 -2.876927
L14 6TD 45 0 53.41048 -2.873288
L14 6TE 35 0 53.41144 -2.874782
L14 6TF 51 0 53.411791 -2.879679
L14 6TG 30 0 53.411697 -2.87408
L14 6TH 32 0 53.411015 -2.876353
L14 6TJ 27 0 53.410141 -2.875417
L14 6TL 19 0 53.410311 -2.877933
L14 6TN 20 0 53.410452 -2.875965
L14 6TP 35 0 53.410738 -2.874873
L14 6TQ 46 0 53.41216 -2.879521
L14 6TR 34 0 53.409444 -2.874861
L14 6TS 25 0 53.409721 -2.875168
L14 6TT 33 13 53.412201 -2.871563
L14 6TU 29 0 53.410664 -2.87275
L14 6TW 13 0 53.410607 -2.87809
L14 6TX 35 1 53.410191 -2.872304
L14 6TY 13 0 53.411663 -2.871326
L14 6UA 42 0 53.413574 -2.880377