all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 7QA 21 0 53.41791 -2.886049
L14 7QB 35 0 53.417482 -2.886778
L14 7QD 19 0 53.41658 -2.883569
L14 7QE 36 0 53.415224 -2.88336
L14 7QF 37 0 53.413906 -2.886598
L14 7QG 30 0 53.415462 -2.884012
L14 7QH 12 11 53.416019 -2.881632
L14 7QJ 15 0 53.418543 -2.878223
L14 7QL 42 2 53.417315 -2.87898
L14 7QQ 29 0 53.414345 -2.886727
L14 7QS 7 0 53.414058 -2.890287
L14 7QW 19 0 53.413283 -2.88326
L14 7AB 0 53.410188 -2.885798
L14 7AD 0 53.410902 -2.885633
L14 7AE 0 53.41154 -2.885571
L14 7AF 0 53.410474 -2.886376
L14 7AG 30 0 53.409178 -2.888695
L14 7AJ 0 53.409098 -2.885234
L14 7AH 0 53.409119 -2.884783
L14 7AN 8 0 53.410229 -2.886702