all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 9NR 40 0 53.425631 -2.868978
L14 9NS 38 0 53.427189 -2.867355
L14 9NW 26 0 53.424472 -2.868895
L14 9NX 42 0 53.423201 -2.864505
L14 9NY 28 0 53.424745 -2.86726
L14 9NZ 28 0 53.425436 -2.868553
L14 9PA 32 0 53.423319 -2.868013
L14 9PB 36 0 53.424292 -2.866453
L14 9PE 28 0 53.423414 -2.86481
L14 9PF 27 0 53.424141 -2.866164
L14 9PG 22 0 53.421102 -2.866373
L14 9PH 32 11 53.419163 -2.876987
L14 9PJ 33 9 53.419873 -2.875526
L14 9AA 17 0 53.422248 -2.866968
L14 9PP 34 0 53.421844 -2.868164
L14 9PQ 12 0 53.421514 -2.864064
L14 9PR 22 0 53.421901 -2.867729
L14 9PS 29 0 53.421945 -2.866556
L14 9PT 30 0 53.421507 -2.866231
L14 9PU 13 0 53.422604 -2.866178